Be Positive
Suddenly I witnessed a tiny tot come directly in harm’s way
Horns blared, people screamed & silence came with a deafening thud
I rushed to see an angel still clutching an ice-cream in a pool of blood
At the hospital’s blood bank, I stood with many others in a line to donate
After giving samples for testing came the disturbing interminable wait
Sitting on the white bench I felt besieged by all the painful moans around
And then suddenly all the moans were quieted by another piercing sound
From the Casualty ward emanated a wail that chilled me to my bone
It came from a mother who had just lost the only child she had borne
On being told that my blood is not needed, I couldn’t get my legs to walk
The doctor called out my name and asked me if we could have a talk
The results of the sample had come and he urged me to be brave
What he told me enveloped me in a nauseating turbulent wave
Again I sat on the white bench afflicted with a malady no one can win
What differed now was that all the wails were coming from within
The cries inside me were echoed out as the inconsolable mother sobbed
When they wheeled out her son whose life God had mercilessly robbed
I saw him and thought that in some time it would be me in his place
When the bereaved father said “Thanks”, I felt punched on my face
I realized that I am breathing and still had every reason to live
I decided to be what I was diagnosed as, that I will Be Positive
Outside I saw the same vendor give an ice-cream to another child
The boy turned to me with the cone in hand, looked up and smiled
I understood that life will always go on as usual and so should I
I should live for the moments to come and not the days gone by
Live to love and be loved and to cherish the memories we make
Live to laugh out loud at all silly jokes till our jaws begin to ache
I resolved that this is how I would need to walk life's every mile
With eyes of hope, heart at peace, open arms and a charming smile
Reborn and Alive, I welcomed the beginning of yet another new day